Blue Run Emerald Single Barrel Rye Whiskey Minnette Barrel #8 is a premium whiskey that offers a decadent and intricate flavor profile.
This exquisite whiskey starts with the inviting warmth of toffee bar and rich caramel, setting the stage for a luxurious taste experience. As the whiskey unfolds, the palate is greeted with the nutty complexity of crushed walnuts, perfectly complemented by a spicy array of clove and nutmeg. The depth of flavor is further enhanced by a bready essence, reminiscent of yeast and grains, adding a layer of sophistication to the whiskey. The finish is memorable, with the robust and hearty notes of roasted corn that linger on the palate.
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WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine and other alcoholic beverages may increase cancer risk, and, during pregnancy, can cause birth defects. For more information go to
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