Fraser & Thompson North American Whiskey 750ml is a superior spirit crafted from corn, rye and barley. It is double distilled and barrel-aged in Minnesota, and only the core distillate is utilized, producing a smoother whiskey with a reduced amount of congeners and a refined flavor.
F&T is a blend Canadian Whiskey and Kentucky Bourbon: the first ever North American Whiskey, created by singer Michael Bublé and Master Distiller & Blender, Paul Cirka. F&T is the perfect combination of two age-old distilling traditions, offering unparalleled smoothness and a robust flavor profile.
We're proud to offer the world's top spirits, wines, beer delivered directly to your door at an affordable price! We have over 25 years of experience and are leading the way for online liquor stores.
WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine and other alcoholic beverages may increase cancer risk, and, during pregnancy, can cause birth defects. For more information go to
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